Welcome to Sima Ash Wellness Center


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Going back to school can be intimidating for children, particularly when they are starting a new school or heading off to school for the first time. It can also be daunting for a child with autism who has settled into the summer routine and now needs to get back into the school season.


As parents, there are some simple, yet fundamental steps we can take to help them with their fears and anxiety of starting school such as reassuring them that school jitters are completely normal and allow them the time and space to voice what their concerns are. Also, making sure that nutritious food is being served for breakfast and packed for lunch can help as whole natural foods are filled with vitamins and minerals that can help bring balance. Sometimes these steps alone will ease their concerns and allow them to feel validated and reassured as they head off to school. If the anxiety is not relieved, there are simple homeopathic remedies and Flower Essences that can help with the transition.


  • Anxiovita - This homeopathic complex remedy combines powerful individual homeopathic formulas into one that is helpful in all cases of anxiety and nervous tension. It can help immediately in panic attacks and other acute states of anxiety or to prevent anxiety before exposure to stress such as examinations, speeches, and social gatherings. Anxiety is often combined with fatigue and chronic pain, and Anxiovita can help in these cases as well.


  • Bach Rescue Remedy  - A study conducted by researchers at the University of Miami School of Nursing in conjunction with The Sirkin Creative Living Center (SCLC) has found that Rescue Remedy is an effective over-the-counter stress reliever with a comparable effect to traditional pharmaceutical drugs yet without any of the known adverse side effects. This formula includes Rock Rose to alleviate terror and panic, Impatiens to help with irritation and impatience, Clematis to combat inattentiveness, Star of Bethlehem to ease the shock and Cherry Plum to calm irrational thoughts. Available in both a liquid form that can be placed in any beverage or taken directly under the tongue as well as a cream form that can be applied to the skin.


  • Aconite – the child is truly afraid to go to school to the point where they are having a panic attack. Begin dosing aconite right away and give frequently until the child is calm. They are often worse from cold weather and from being in crowds.
  • Argentum Nitricum – Helpful for anxiety and nervousness. The child will have a strong desire to perform well with equally strong anxiety regarding their performance. Fear of failure, fear of heights, claustrophobia and impulsive behavior will sometimes be shown. They will generally have diarrhea and gas associated with their anxiety and desire sweets.


  • Arsenicum Album – Tremendous anxiety with great restlessness or nervous exhaustion. Tends to wake about midnight with anxiety. Feels better with warm wraps or warm baths.


  • Calcarea Carbonicum – Easily overwhelmed, cautious and afraid to take risks. Strong need for protection and avoids new experiences. Once they break out of their shell, they can realize their amazing potential.


  • Gelsenium – This is a wonderful go to remedy for all anticipatory anxiety – whether it’s before the first day of school, an exam or for a speech in front of classmates. Signs that your child needs this remedy include that they feel overwhelmed by the impending task and they feel cowardly and weak.


  • Kali Phosphoricum – Mental exhaustion after long periods of stress or overexertion such as exam times or project times. Sleepy, but cannot sleep. Great nervous dread. This is a powerful cell salt that works wonders at the lower potencies.


  • Lycopodium - helpful when the child feels like they are going to fail and they are concerned with looking silly in front of others. Even if the child has gone to school several days successfully, they may have pre-pending anxiety each day and about looking foolish in front of others.


  • Nux Vomica – Anxiety from a busy mind and mental stress, often waking from anxiety between 3 and 4 a.m. Nux Vomica types tend to push themselves to the max!


We recommend using the above potencies in a 30c and dosing at least three times per day until the symptoms are no longer present. If your child is still experiencing anxiety or suffers from chronic anxiety, they will benefit from a full homeopathic evaluation including a REBA assessment. Sima Ash of Healing 4 Soul will then provide a plan of action including homeopathic remedies, supplements and nutritional approaches to help your child overcome their anxiety. Please call (800) 669-0358 to schedule your appointment today.




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