At Healing4soul we offer a wide range of services that are holistic, holistic, naturopathic and complementary medicine. Our approach is to choose the best options on an individual basis -
General Office Visit- Not sure where to start? Call us for a one-hour consultation with Sima Ash to review your health concerns and help you devise a plan to achieve optimal health.
CEASE Therapy - Hundreds of children with Autism were helped by this protocol developed by Tinus Smits, M.D. It is now widely used for toxic overload and a variety of chronic conditions in both children and adults. The initial consultation is approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours and in person, phone and Skype (On-Line) appointments are available. Homeopathic medicines (remedies) will be supplied as part of your treatment. Should extra remedies be needed during the course of treatment additional fees will apply. Please note that supplements and their shipping costs are separate fees.
GAPS -The food we eat influences gastrointestinal, psychiatric and neurological functions. The GAPS diet can help restore these functions. During the consultation, we will review the GAPS diet program according to each individual's needs to help solve physical and mental health challenges. GAPS provides a solid foundation to rebuild gastrointestinal function and heal and seal the gut wall; the so called leaky gut syndrome.
Holistic Weight Loss Programs (HCG+) - We have two programs to select from depending on your weight loss goal. Ask one of our trained staff about different options available. Prices vary depending on the weight loss programs.
Homeopathy - Numerous studies demonstrate the effectiveness of Homeopathy and it is used worldwide by hundreds of thousand of practitioners. The initial consultation is approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours and in person, phone and Skype (On-Line) appointments are available. Homeopathic medicines (remedies) will be supplied as part of your treatment. Should extra remedies be needed during the course of treatment additional fees will apply. Please note that supplements and their shipping costs are separate fees.
Neurocare - Neurocare is FDA approved and helpful in recovery from a number of physical conditions including relaxation of muscle spasm, maintaining or increasing range of motion, preventing muscle atrophy, reeducation of muscle and increase blood flow.
REBA Test Device- Practitioners worldwide are using this device on sensitive individuals who suffer from various conditions including depression, ADHD, Autism, allergies and a host of other issues. Sima includes a free Turbosonic session with each REBA assessment! The Turbosonic at Healing 4 Soul has specific healing programs so you can relax and get an enjoyable workout on the Turbosonic. All Rubiimed remedies are sold at additional cost. Ask us about our special package pricing.
Thermography -Thermography is state of the art health screening system that identifies physiological dysfunction very early in the disease process. Using a subtle thermal stress stimulus that initiates a regulation response, underlying disturbances and dysfunctional organ systems are revealed with a high degree of accuracy. A comprehensive patient report that is generated within minutes clearly outlines and illustrates the dysfunctional areas for an integrative approach to treatment strategy. Thermography is widely used for both women, men, and children after 6 years of age. NO need for Mammogram when there is Thermogram!
Turbosonic Whole Body Vibration - Our Whole Body Vibration Machines helps you lose fat, gain muscle, provide cardiovascular conditioning, increase metabolism and helps with the lymphatic system. Our WBV machine is unique in that it balances your chakras so you feel less stressed and more balanced.
You can call us at (800) 669-0358 for more information and book your appointment and start feeling your best today! You Can Also connect with us via our portal by following this link: