Welcome to Sima Ash Wellness Center

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Many of us have daily struggles within our family life to contend with, but add to this the recent happenings of Sandy as well as the tragedy in Newtown Connecticut at the Sandy Hook School and well, sometimes it just seems like it is too much to bear.  To help get you through this time, we wanted to share some homeopathic remedies that will help you and loved ones cope with your daily stress as well as these national tragedies.


  • Ignatia Amara - This is the most commonly used homeopathic remedy for grief and it is very effective.  It is helpful when there are extreme sadness and a lot of 'signing'.  The person needing this remedy cries easily.  It is also helpful for people who are having trouble sleeping due to grief and feel like they have a 'lump in their throat'.  Higher potencies are recommended depending on the person and the level of deep depression being experienced.


  • Aurum Metallicum - This remedy is used for very deep depression with thoughts of suicide.  Higher potencies are recommended depending on the person and the level of deep depression being experienced.


  • Rescue Remedy - This is actually a Bach Flower Essence that is very helpful for shock, depression, and anxiety.  Spray 4 sprays up to 4 times per day for chronic conditions and use whenever needed for more acute conditions.  


There are much more homeopathic remedies and other modalities that we can suggest aid many of you and the people who need support through times of grief. Please call our office at (310) 738-8878 to schedule your appointment and find relief from grief or any stressful situation in your life. 










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