Welcome to the Healing 4 Soul. I am a certified homeopathic consultant, certified CEASE practitioner, GAPS certified practitioner and nutritionist who evaluates clients based on homeopathic approach. I am NOT a licensed physician, nor are homeopathic services licensed by the State of California.
Case taking: In-depth interview to record your physical, mental and emotional characteristics and symptoms.
Recommendation: Evaluation and cross-referencing of reported symptoms. The goal is to identify the deeper causative factors and use of isopathy and classical homeopathy to bring the body back into balance and equilibrium
Follow-up: Monitoring your case to evaluate how you improve or change during treatment. Adjustments to remedy and potency as needed will achieve the most rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health.
To use my services, California state law requires that you acknowledge receipt of the information provided in this form by signing it. You will receive a copy. I will keep the original in my records for at least 3 years. If you ever have any concerns about the nature of your treatment, please feel free to discuss them with me. I recommend that you inform your medical doctor that you are receiving homeopathic treatment.
This method of treatment, classical homeopathy, is alternative or complementary to healing arts that are licensed by the State of California. Under Sections 2053.5 and 2053.6 of California’s Business and Profession’s Code, I can offer you these services, subject to requirements and restrictions that are described fully below. Please initial your acceptance of these sections of SB-577, California Business &Professions Code:
Section 2053.5: I, the client, understand that this treatment will NOT include any of the
following by the provider: puncturing of my skin, invasion or insertion into my body, X-rays or
prescription for X-rays, giving or prescribing of legend drugs or controlled substances, telling me
to discontinue any legend drug or controlled substance prescribed for me by a licensed
practitioner, diagnosing of physical or mental disease, setting of fractured bones, or the use of
electrotherapy to treat lacerations [cuts] or abrasions [torn skin]