General Information
Ipecac was used by conventional medicine in the past to initiate vomiting when poisons had been swallowed. Homeopathically, it treats types of nausea and vomiting, especially when accompanied by complaints such as pain, bleeding (hemorrhage), asthma or bronchitis. The person who needs Ipecac will be thirstless but have profuse salivation with a clean tongue, and vomiting won’t relieve their nausea or the underlying complaint. Instead, they often feel worse for vomiting. Heat or warm environments also worsen symptoms. Ipecac is also useful for spasmodic respiratory complaints such as croup, bronchitis, asthma and gagging, retching coughs.
Common Names: Ipecac.
Gastrointestinal (Digestive) Problems
- Profuse salivation during nausea.
- Nausea with a clean tongue.
- Complaints accompanied by constant nausea that are either relieved or worsened by vomiting.
- Vomiting when bending over or stooping.
- Stomach feels as though it is hanging loosely in the abdomen.
Respiratory Problems
- Spasmodic respiratory complaints.
- Rattling, loose cough in warm, humid weather.
- Dry, spasmodic cough which ends in choking, gagging, or vomiting.
- Croup, bronchiolitis, bronchitis or asthma with a spasmodic, suffocating cough, especially in children.
- Migraines with severe nausea and vomiting.
Haemorrhage (Bleeding)
- Uterine hemorrhage, often in gushes, that is accompanied by weakness, nausea or vomiting.
- Sudden bleeding of bright red blood that is slow to coagulate.
- Any type of pain that is accompanied by constant nausea.
For Pets
- Prolonged nausea and vomiting with weakness.
- Sudden and profuse bleeding of bright red blood.
Where do I find it?
Ipecacuanha is available here as a single remedy in a variety of strengths (potency).
Dosage Instructions
Take 3 Pellets of the remedy every 10 minutes to two hours (10 minutes for intense symptoms, 2 hours for milder ones). Once an improvement is noticed, stop dosing and repeat the remedy only if symptoms return. If there is no improvement at all by three doses, choose a different remedy or seek professional guidance.
A Few Words
While the above self-limiting, acute complaints are suitable for home treatment with Ipecacuanha, see your healthcare provider if your symptoms worsen or fail to improve. Ipecacuanha is also useful for a range of chronic or persistent complaints not listed; these are best managed by a qualified homeopath for good results.