Welcome to Sima Ash Wellness Center

34% of American adults are classified as obese and 60% of American adults are struggling with weight loss – are you one of them? Did you know that there are holistic steps you can take to gain control of your physical and emotional well being and also help you get rid of those pounds for good? We are here to assist you so you can achieve a BRAND NEW HEALTHIER YOU!

At Healing 4 Soul we have two weight loss packages that will fit your budget and help you meet your goals.

Slim Down Program - 21-day duration

Assessment – includes the initial consultation to go over your weight loss goals, discuss how the plan works and weigh-in.

Whole Body Vibration – Enjoy Wholehttp://www.healing4soul.com/administrator/index.php?option=com_content&sectionid=-1&task=edit&cid[]=169 Body Vibration 3 times per week for 3 weeks to improve lymphatic flow and maximize weight loss.

Homeopathic Drops and B12– The homeopathic drops will help curb your appetite and help you shed those stubborn pounds while B12 helps with energy levels and metabolism.

Meal plan – A comprehensive meal plan outlining caloric intake will be provided to keep you on track.

Weekly in office visit To monitor your progress and help you stay on track.


Complete Balance Program – 21 to 40-day duration

Assessment - includes initial consultation to go over your weight loss goals, discuss how the plan works and weigh-in

Whole Body VibrationEnjoy Whole Body Vibration 3 times per week for 6 weeks to improve lymphatic flow and maximize weight loss. We utilize the Turbosonic Whole Body Vibration Machine, which helps you lose weight, build muscle and promote well being to your mind, body, and soul.

Mind & Body Integration Evaluation- With REBA test device we measure conflicts on the four energy channels-vital, mental, emotional and causal. The information will be evaluated to help maintain your weight loss goals.

Homeopathic Drops and B12– The homeopathic drops will help curb your appetite and help you shed those stubborn pounds while B12 helps with energy levels and metabolism.

Meal plan – A comprehensive meal plan outlining caloric intake will be provided to keep you on track.

Weekly in- office visit To monitor your progress and help you stay on track.

Come vvisit us today to lose those stubborn pounds. You are just weeks away from A BRAND NEW HEALTHIER YOU!


Sima Ash, Director of Healing 4 Soul, combines her expertise in whole-body health and medical research to educate everyone about the newest developments in detoxification, chronic diseases and even weight loss. To schedule your consultation call our office at (800) 669-0358.


                                                            WE ARE HERE TO EDUCATE, NOT MEDICATE


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