
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which your body’s use of food for production of energy is affected. Some forms of Type 2 diabetes treatments are necessary for more than 30 million people in the United States alone, as diabetes is one of the most critical health concerns in the modern history. This condition also affects millions of people across the world, who are unable to properly regulate their blood sugar levels as a result of insulin resistance.

This inability to properly use the insulin that the body produces in the pancreas can be very serious because the body is often unable to make enough insulin to regulate glucose. This results in high blood sugar, which can lead to blurred vision, increased thirst, and hunger, weight gain, cognitive confusion, and fatigue. Long-term effects of type 2 diabetes include diabetic retinopathy, kidney disease, and a shortened lifespan.

As this disease affects so many people around the world, there are a wide variety of type 2 diabetes treatments and preventative measures available. They can help in lowering the risk of developing this condition, as well as managing the symptoms if you have been diagnosed.


Conventional Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes 

Some of the best type 2 diabetes treatments are the medications, insulin injections, and bariatric surgery. These are generally considered more formal and involve a doctor’s advice, while others can easily be administered or practiced at home to improve your quality of life and keep you healthy.

  • Diabetes Medication

There are quite a few options when it comes to diabetes medication, a choice many people make, particularly if they don’t require insulin injections every day. Diabetes medications called sulfonylureas can increase the amount of insulin the body produces, countering the diminishing effects of insulin resistance.

  • Metformin

It is the most popular of the type 2 diabetes treatments, as it can lower insulin resistance. It allows the body to appropriately use the insulin it is already producing. Other options, such as DPP-4 inhibitors will lower blood sugar levels to put less strain on the pancreas, or perhaps slow down digestion in order to give the body more time to process the food. All of these medications have their own side effects and should be compared carefully with the help of a doctor, based on your particular need and lifestyle habits.

  • Insulin Injections

Some people with more severe forms of type 2 diabetes require regular or daily injections of insulin. This delivers the necessary insulin directly into the bloodstream. It tends to have fewer side effects than the oral medications listed above and is relatively easy to administer. Also, it is important to note that insulin cannot be ingested. So, when the body cannot produce enough insulin, it has to be injected. Some people dislike the idea of injecting themselves every day for the rest of their lives, but in many cases, this will have fewer negative health effects and is widely prescribed around the world for diabetic patients.

  • Bariatric Surgery

In terms of type 2 diabetes treatments, bariatric surgery also treats one of the major symptoms, which is excessive weight gain. This surgery can also help blood glucose levels return to normal if the small intestine is shortened, reducing the potential uptake of sugar and putting less strain on the pancreas’ production of insulin. However, there are always risks attached to going under the knife, so this surgery is often seen as a last resort, as the previous two type 2 diabetes treatments are known to be quite effective.


Natural Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes

For those who are only at a risk of diabetes, or want to treat their symptoms in a more natural way, there are plenty of home remedies and natural type 2 diabetes treatments to choose from. They include changing the exercise habits, losing weight, altering the diet and making key lifestyle changes.

  • Physical Activity

Staying active is a key component of fighting off type 2 diabetes and lowering your risk of spiking blood sugar. Even 30 minutes of physical activity each day, just enough to raise your heart rate, will lower your blood sugar levels and prevent the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. This will help your body’s metabolism increase, prevent excessive weight gain, and reduce the levels of stress hormones in your body, all of which is linked to reduced symptoms of diabetes. If you are obese and struggling to undergo physical activities or getting to the gym, try low-impact exercises like swimming or biking, or simply go for a walk around the block a few times every day.

  • Monitoring Blood

If you want to control your blood sugar levels, it is essential to pay attention when they begin to change. Throughout the day, a type 2 diabetic person should check their blood sugar levels multiple times. This should be done particularly after a large meal, to ensure that the blood sugar isn’t climbing. If you find that it is, you can take immediate steps to suppress your blood sugar or stimulate your insulin production. Furthermore, you will learn a bit more about your dietary boundaries, helping to prevent spikes in glucose level in the future.

  • Weight Control

Obesity is one of the most common compliments to type 2 diabetes. Being overweight increases your risk of developing the conditions significantly, and it is also a frequent side effect of those who have been diagnosed. An increasing obesity can further damage your body’s ability to regulate blood sugar by speeding up the long-term effects of this disease. Therefore, being conscious of your dietary intake and actively trying to keep your BMI at normal levels is important.

  • Avoiding Alcohol

It is important to remember that alcohol can have a rapid effect on your blood sugar since there are carbs in beverages like beer and wine coolers. These natural sugars are needed to be handled by insulin, just like the carbs in your food. Before you go out for a drink, check your blood sugar, and don’t overdo it in terms of consumption. Alcohol can also increase your weight due to the surprisingly high amount of calories it contains, so be conscious about staying within your calorie limits.

  • No Smoking

The short and long-term effects of diabetes include many different bodily systems, from your vision to the integrity of your blood vessels; smoking can also exacerbate many of these symptoms and secondary health conditions. By eliminating smoking, you will lessen the speed at which diabetic symptoms will appear. Cutting out smoking will also make it easier for you to exercise, stay in shape and lose weight.

  • De-Stress

When you are anxious or stressed for an extended period of time, it will cause inflammation in the body, and demand resources and energy that the body simply cannot afford. This can make your diabetic symptoms even worse, and lead to weight gain, a poor diet, and the use of alcohol and tobacco, all of which are negative indicators for type 2 diabetes.

  • Dietary Changes

As you know, most of the sugar in your body comes from carbohydrates, so they will always play an important role in your diet as a basic fuel. However, there are more complex carbohydrates, such as those you find in beans, legumes, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. These carbohydrates will be digested slowly by the body, giving the pancreas enough time to keep up with insulin production. Do your best to avoid simple sugars, such as those found in white bread, snack foods, and pastries. Also, increase your fiber intake, as it is known to regulate the levels of insulin and glucose in the body. Lean meats and those containing good fats (omega-3 etc.) are highly recommended.

  • Homeopathy

Homoeopathy can be used effectively in the treatment of diabetes. Our focus is to first concentrate on the functioning of the pancreas in efficient insulin production and to eradicate the symptoms of both diabetes; both Type 1 and Type 2. At our clinic, homeopathic medicines such as Helonias and Iodum have been used effectively in the treatment of all the stages of the disease.There are many more homeopathic remedies to help with diabetes and we are here to help. Please schedule your appointment for an in-depth consultation by calling our office at (310) 738-8878



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