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In November, the communities across the country observe National Diabetes Month and bring attention to diabetes and its impact on millions of Americans.

Living with diabetes can be challenging to manage every day. You are the most important member of your healthcare team, but you don’t have to manage your diabetes alone. Seek support from health care professionals, your family, friends, and community to manage your diabetes. 

Common causes of diabetes in our body are either the lack of insulin or the inability to utilize the available insulin in our body. Insulin is simply one of our hormones that is created by the pancreas, which can sometimes function improperly. This very serious condition related to insulin regulation is mainly caused by two things – stress and obesity.

A survey by the American Diabetes Association recently revealed that roughly 7.8% of Americans suffer from diabetes. This figure includes both children and adults. Now, since this estimation is solely for the United States, it is not hard to believe that diabetes is one of the most common diseases affecting people all over the world.

Types Of Diabetes

There are two situations where diabetes can occur. When the human body stops the secretion of insulin, it is called Type I diabetes. This particular type of diabetes is also called “insulin-dependent diabetes”. Type II diabetes is a situation where the body becomes unable to utilize the insulin which has already been secreted by the pancreas.

There is a third type of diabetes that is generally observed in pregnant women, called gestational diabetes, but this is rare. However, gestational diabetes can sometimes be a hint that a person might develop Type 2 diabetes later in life. Heredity, obesity, and stress are a few of the common reasons for diabetes. Mayo Clinic says that low metabolism of food is another cause of diabetes.

Although all forms of diabetes are treatable since insulin is available as a supplemental treatment to keep levels properly in check, it is still a chronic condition. That being said, there are a number of ways to treat the symptoms of diabetes and to reduce the dangerous plunges and peaks of blood sugar that can cause major health concerns for diabetics.

Symptoms Of Diabetes

While it’s easier to identify the symptoms of type 1 diabetes, it’s fairly difficult to identify type 2 diabetes symptoms.  Let us discuss the symptoms of diabetes below:

  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Dry throat and mouth
  • Thirsty, more than usual
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Itching of the genitals
  • Constant food cravings
  • skin irritation
  • Numbness in feet or legs
  • Occurrence of yeast infections
  • Stomach sickness and vomiting

If you experience any or all of these symptoms, then it is important that you get yourself diagnosed by a medical professional for diabetes.

Home Remedies For Diabetes

Home remedies for diabetes include the use of apple cider vinegar, bitter gourd, cinnamon, aloe vera, water, mango leaves, alfalfa, curry leaves, and flaxseed oil in different forms. Exercising, healthy sleep patterns, and maintaining oral health are other good behavioral remedies for getting rid of diabetes in a natural way.Home remedies can offer a solution to all of your diabetes problems, despite not technically being a “cure”. You can try any or all of the following home remedies to start enjoying the benefits of a diabetes-free life.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar plays an important role in controlling the sugar levels in the blood. It also controls the blood glucose level, which rises noticeably right after you finish a meal. Moreover, it helps you to lose weight, which is important, considering obesity is one of the main drivers of diabetes. Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Take this regularly before having a meal.

  • Cinnamon

People suffering from Type 2 diabetes can benefit considerably from cinnamon. It boosts the insulin production process in the pancreas and lowers the sugar level. You can take cinnamon in several ways. Mix it with your tea or other drinks or directly take it as a powder for at least 40 days to get optimal results.

  • Water

A proper intake of water helps to mobilize the fluids throughout your body and moves the excess sugar through your system so it can be taken in by the organs and cells to be used as a functional source of energy. Furthermore, water keeps the toxins and other foreign bodies in your body moving out and being flushed, which also includes excess sugars via urination.

  • Sunlight

As unusual as this may sound, one great remedy for diabetes is to get some sunlight in your life! Sunlight is directly linked to the functionality of vitamin D, and by rejuvenating this essential vitamin, sunlight can help improve the production of insulin. A proper supply of insulin can help those suffering from both types of diabetes mellitus.

  • Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is a very powerful component in battling diabetes because it contains phytosterols. Early studies have shown phytosterols to have anti-hyperglycemic effects, and can seriously benefit people suffering from Type 2 diabetes. Some home remedies with aloe vera include a mixture of turmeric and bay leaves. Mix a teaspoon of all three with water and drink two times a day. This should lower your blood glucose levels!

  • Mango Leaves

Take at least 3 or 4 mango leaves and boil them with water. Drink the mixture every morning to lower your chances of developing diabetes. You can also dry the leaves and grind them into powder. Eat one-half of a teaspoon of this powder twice a day.

  • Curry Leaves

Chewing on curry leaves is a traditional and reliable way to reduce the symptoms of diabetes and help treat the insulin issues within the body. There are certain organic compounds within curry leaves that inhibit the breakdown of starches into simple sugars like glucose, which is one of the causes of diabetic flare-ups. Curry leaves are also shown to reduce cholesterol levels and obesity, both of which can contribute to diabetes as well. Curry leaves are therefore preventative medicines, as well as treatments for diabetes!

  • Alfalfa

Diabetes patients should take at least a teaspoon of crushed alfalfa seeds with or before their meals. This helps to reduce and stabilize the blood sugar levels.

  • Low Salt Diet

A recent study suggests that intake of high-salt diet increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases in diabetics so it is advisable to opt for a low salt diet.

  • Bitter Melon

Bitter melon is also known as a Bitter gourd and some of the effects of this fruit are known to reduce glucose levels. It stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, thereby counteracting the effects of excess glucose in the body. Remove the seeds from two or three bitter gourds, and extract the juice. Add water and then drink it on an empty stomach every morning.

  • Fenugreek

This is one of the best options as a home remedy for diabetes. Fenugreek seeds have organic compounds that stimulate the pancreas into increasing its insulin output, thereby reducing the dangerous activities of glucose in the bloodstream of diabetics. Soak fenugreek seeds (approx. two tablespoons) in some water overnight. When you wake up, drink the water as well as the seeds. Along with the organic compounds that help stimulate insulin, fenugreek seeds are also high in fiber, which slows down the metabolism of starch into glucose, thereby helping diabetics.

  • Black Plum

Black plum is one of the most powerful home remedies for diabetes, as every part of this plant can have some sort of anti-diabetic effect. The seeds contain glycosides and alkaloids that control blood sugar levels. The anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and tannins are also considered to be powerful anti-diabetic agents.

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  • Flaxseed Oil

Take about 1.5oz of flaxseed oil and mix it with some cottage cheese and milk. Blend it well to make a fine mixture and eat the mixture with fruits as regularly as possible. This is another very good home remedy for diabetes.

  • Grapes

Recent research suggests that grape skin extract (GSE) exerts a novel inhibitory activity on hyperglycemia and may help in diabetes management

  • Gluten-Free Diet

Recent research suggests that gluten-free diet may reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes.

  • Exercise

Regular exercise is a must for people that are suffering from diabetes. You need to keep at least half an hour for exercise every day. Joining a gym is another good option since it helps maintain the regularity and motivation. Exercise eliminates obesity and lowers blood sugar levels significantly, therefore reducing your chances of diabetes. The energy required for physical activity needs to have a source, and that will stimulate the uptake of simple sugars like glucose from your bloodstream into your muscle tissues and cells, thereby doing the same job as insulin, while you lose weight and increase your health at the same time!

  • Exercising During Pregnancy

New research shows that exercising during pregnancy can help control gestational diabetes and curb post-natal onset of Type 2 diabetes.

  • Sleep

Diabetes patients should sleep soundly for a minimum of 8 hours per day. This will keep them fit and fresh while releasing stress and anxiety, two more of the primary causes of diabetes.

  • Plant-Based foods

According to a recent study, plant-based foods contain antioxidants (polyphenols) that may improve blood sugar in people at risk for diabetes and heart diseases.

  • High Energy Breakfast

Recent research suggests that intake of a high-energy breakfast and low energy dinner helps in reducing hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetics.


WE ARE HERE TO EDUCATE, NOT MEDICATE!  Give us a call at (800) 669-0358 and let one of our healthcare practitioners help you kick your diabetes to the curb.



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