I had moments in my life that I absolutely knew that I was on the wrong path. I felt scared to leave this path. But inevitably the situation got worse. I was truly unsatisfied with my life and started to notice that my soul was dying in the process. I finally got brave and left and all was worthwhile - because my soul was alive again.

Life will always have its challenges. 

There are varying statistics about parents of children with autism, but most agree that divorce is more frequent among those who have children with special needs.  The financial and emotional toll as well as differing ideas on how to best help our children can sometimes be too much for couples.

Court dates, attorneys, etc. in the midst of taking your child to therapies as well as the worry of whether your ex is caring for your child in the same manner you would, introduces further financial and emotional stress.  Throw in work obligations and it can be a real challenge!

However the same stresses can become inspirational.  Knowing my daughter needs me to continue researching on her behalf, keeps me going.  Knowing other parents and children rely on my professional guidance, drives me to continue on because I know our children can and will get better. CEASE Therapy and Homeopathy  is the driving motivational force for myself and for my patients.

If you ever get here and don't know how to get off this wrong path, I am here to help you and your child be free from it all. I will help guide you to stay on this road cause remember there is a reason that you are here now. Don't abandon your path! 

Have you ever felt that you are on the wrong path, and though you wish to be free of it, abandoning this road will cause much more chaos and hurt than staying on it? ~Sue-Ann Marquis