The FDA is advising parents not to use topical medications for teething pain that are available over the counter because some of them can be harmful to children. In particular, they are warning parents to not use oral viscous lidocaine 2% solution (available by prescription) that will not be required to carry a ‘Boxed Warning’ – the FDA’s strongest warning.

Oral viscous lidocaine solution is not approved to treat teething pain. Use in infants and young children can cause serious harm such as seizures, severe brain injury, heart problems, and death.  The FDA states that topical pain relievers and medications that are rubbed on the gums are not necessary or even useful because they wash out of the baby’s mouth within minutes. 

The FDA is also concerned about over the counter (OTC) topical benzocaine teething gels since they can cause a condition called methemoglobinemia. This condition results in a large decrease in the amount of oxygen carried through the blood. OTC benzocaine gels and liquids are sold under different brand names such as Anbesol, Hurricaine, Orajel, Baby Orajel, Orabase, and various store brands.

What Can I Do to Soothe My Child’s Teething Pain?

Homeopathy has been helping children with their teething pain for centuries. The most common remedies used for teething pain are:

Chamomilla – Excellent for teething problems where children insist on being held, scream angrily when you put them down and will throw items given to them. Sometimes accompanied by a fever and one red cheek.

Belladonna – Great for children who have swollen gums with bright red cheeks and staring, glossy eyes.

Aconite – Has been found to be helpful when a child is tossing and turning at night from teething pain.

Teething Combination Remedies – Some parents are not sure which remedies to give or their child has overlapping symptoms. In these cases, choosing a combination remedy designed to help with teething, is a good option. We can help you in formulating a complex teething remedy.

Homeopathic remedies for teething are often a parent’s first experience with homeopathy and once they witness how well the remedies work, they continue to use homeopathy and often times consult with a homeopath for relief from other symptoms and issues.

Many parents use teething rings to help soothe their children’s gums and if you go this route, please ensure that it is BPA free. A better alternative is a cold washcloth that the child can chew on. Organic teething biscuits can also provide relief.