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The GAPS Protocol is broken into three parts specifically designed to heal and seal the gut lining, rebalance the immune system, and restore the optimal bacterial ecosystem within the gastrointestinal tract.  The Nutritional protocol restricts all grains, commercial dairy, starchy vegetables and all processed/refined carbohydrates while focusing on easily digestible and nutrient dense foods.  The Supplementation protocol needs to be tailored to fit the individual healthcare needs of the patient but generally includes a commercial probiotic to provide beneficial bacteria along the GI tract, essential fatty acids, cod liver oil, and targeted digestive support.  The Detoxification Protocol enforces natural ways to cleanse the liver and colon through juicing, GAPS Milkshakes, and enemas while reducing the general toxic load by restricting man-made chemicals and heavy metals.


The Nutritional Protocol

  1. Diet
  2. Supplementation
  3. Detoxification
  • Diet

The GAPS diet is divided into two parts:  The Introduction Diet and the Full GAPS Diet.  The Introduction Diet can be very overwhelming to patients, parents, and children who are used to a traditional Western Diet.  Starting with the Full GAPS Diet and implementing the protocol in stages may be the best option for some in order to ease into the dietary changes. Dr. Campbell-McBride recommends for patients with severe digestive issues and severe food sensitivities to start with the Introduction Diet.  For those suffering from constipation and mild symptoms, starting with the Full GAPS Diet may be a better option. 

1. Introduction Diet

The Introduction Diet is divided into six stages.  It generally takes patients 3-6 weeks to complete all the stages, however, some patients may take longer.  The Introduction Diet is designed for patients with severe digestive issues including chronic diarrhea, IBS, Crohn’s, gastritis, and Ulcerative Colitis as well as patients with severe neurological conditions including autism, schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar.  Some patients may exhibit neurological conditions with no clear digestive symptoms and may be able to move through the Introduction Diet more quickly, listening to their body and observing for negative reactions.

2. Full GAPS Diet

Once a patient has moved through the six stages of the Introduction Diet, they are ready to move onto the Full GAPS Diet.  For patients who skipped the Introduction Diet, Dr. Campbell-McBride recommends following the Dairy Introduction Structure on page 124 when introducing dairy products.  It is important to remember the majority of the patient’s diet should consist of meats, fish, eggs, fermented foods, and vegetables.  Overindulging in baked goods made from nut flours and fruit can be detrimental to the healing process and should only be consumed in moderation.  For patients suffering from yeast overgrowth, temporarily eliminating fruit, honey, and nuts may be beneficial.

  • Supplementation Protocol

All patients handle nutritional/supplemental protocols differently and may need additional targeted support other than the essentials recommended by Dr. Campbell-McBride.  This is a matter for a qualified practitioner to decide.  Only choose supplements with the least amount of added ingredients that may aggravate the gut condition.

The essential supplements to complement the GAPS Nutritional Protocol are outlined below:


  1. Therapeutic strength probiotic
  2.  Essential Fatty Acids
  3. Vitamin A
  4. Digestive enzymes
  5. Vitamin and mineral supplements.

  Probiotic.jpg   1. Therapeutic Strength Probiotic

Probiotics are most commonly used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders including:

  • viral infections of the digestive tract


  • intractable pediatric diarrhea
  • pseudomembranous colitis
  • traveler's diarrhea
  • Clostridium Difficile enterocolitis
  • enterocolitis
  • Helicobacter infection
  • enteropathogenic E. coli infection
  • inflammatory bowel disorders: Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and chronic pouchitis
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • lactose intolerance
  • prevention of colonic cancer in laboratory studied
  • allergies including food allergy
  • autism
  • chronic viral infections
  • urogenital infections
  • hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and biliary disease
  • tuberculosis
  • meningitis
  • malignancy
  • arthritis
  • diabetes
  • burns of various degree
  • perioperative care and intensive care in surgical patients and patients with massive blood loss
  • clinical infections
  • autoimmune disorders


Omega 3's.jpg    2. Essential Fatty Acids

  1. A good seed/nut oil blend in the ratio of 2:1 of omega-3:omega-6 fatty acids.  Make sure that the oil is high quality, in dark glass and refrigerated after opening.
  2. Cod liver oil to supply EPA, DHA, vitamin A and vitamin D.
  3. Fish oil with a higher ratio of EPA to DHA, as more EPA, seems to be beneficial for GAPS patients.  There are no toxic levels of these oils

  vitamin A.jpg  3. Vitamin A


As listed previously, vitamin A is recommended in the form of Cod Liver Oil (CLO).  Vitamin A deficiency can lead to a variety of digestive issues.  Leaky gut and malabsorption are the typical results of vitamin A deficiency.  Unfortunately, GAPS children and adults usually cannot absorb or use many forms of vitamin A, commonly found in supplements.  A natural form of vitamin A found in CLO appears to be the best form for these patients.


 intolerance complex.jpg 4. Digestive Enzymes

People with abnormal gut flora almost without exception have low stomach acid production.  Toxins produced by bacteria such as Candida and Clostridia have a strong ability to reduce secretion of stomach acid.  Stomach acid is the first barrier for huge numbers of microbes arriving with every bite of food or drink we consume.  If the stomach is not acidic enough, these bad microbes may have a chance of colonizing in the stomach itself, which should be nearly sterile.  Without the proper pH of the stomach, a host of digestive symptoms and potential infection is likely to ensue.  Dr. Campbell-McBride recommends that GAPS patients supplement with stomach acid.  

Pancreatic Enzymes

These are the enzymes people generally think of when hearing the words "digestive enzymes".   These enzymes are usually combinations of proteases, peptidases, lipases, amylase, lactase, and cellulase. In a healthy digestive tract, these enzymes are naturally produced by the pancreas.  If normal stomach acidity can be returned, these enzymes should work efficiently.  Dr. Campbell-McBride recommends supplementation with stomach acid.  If you feel benefit from the use of these supplements, make sure they do not contain fillers or binders which may interfere with the healing process in the gut

   Vitamins.jpg  5. Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation


With the GAPS DIET, we do not generally recommend any vitamin or mineral supplementation at the beginning of the program for patients with severe digestive issues.  Some patients may require targeted supplementation including liver support and detoxification support,  but this is a matter for a qualified practitioner to decide.

If you are going to use supplements:

  • Choose supplements without any ingredients which may aggravate the gut condition. 
  • Choose supplements with a high absorption rate. 
  • Keep supplements to a minimum.



 Detoxification and Lifestyle Changes

Toxins can cause damage to the body.  Supporting the body’s natural cleansing process is necessary to repair damaged tissues.  Dr. Campbell-McBride recommends light methods of detoxification, as intense detox programs can actually cause more harm than good by overwhelming the organs responsible for neutralizing and eliminating toxins.  

For this reason, we use homeopathic medicine (remedies) to detoxify the body gently, efficiently and rapidly, thus supporting the organs of elimination. 

Another important part of the treatment is the reduction of the general toxic load.  Keep your house chemical free and avoid bringing anything into the home which will let off chemicals such as new carpet, furniture, and paints.  Also, remember that your skin absorbs just about everything it comes in contact with so be very cautious with the products you put on your skin.  Household plants are great at reducing the toxic air in our houses.  They consume the toxic gases and replace them with oxygen and other beneficial substances.


How to apply the wisdom of individuality while on the GAPS diet?

The GAPS Diet is not set in stone; you have to adapt it for your unique body, for its unique daily needs. The GAPS diet gives you the list of foods to work with. When you eat these different foods and in what proportions is up to you. Listen to your body's needs, communicated to you through the senses of desire, smell, taste, and satisfaction. For example, one day you may feel like only an apple for breakfast, but tomorrow you may enjoy a large cooked breakfast made with eggs, bacon, sausages and a salad. For example, on the first day you were very happy just to drink meat stock and eat some cooked chicken, but next day you do not feel like meat or meat stock at all and are much happier to eat vegetables and yogurt. Your body will let you know what proportions of protein, fat, and carbohydrate to have at every meal. How? Through desire for particular foods; so, when you sit down to a family meal, eat only what appeals to you at the time, and in the amounts that appeal to you.

It is essential to listen to your body's desires when you are following the GAPS diet the Introduction Diet or the Full GAPS Diet. Your desires will let you know how quickly to move through the stages of the Introduction Diet. It is possible that you would have to eat something not allowed on a particular stage if you really desire it, because that is what your body requires at that time, and you have to respect it. You are unique and nobody can prescribe the right sequence of food introduction for you. If you were following the GAPS Introduction Diet to a letter and felt well, but then one day you get a strong desire for, let's say, raw tomatoes (which are not included in the plan), then listen to this desire! This is your body telling you that it needs particular nutrients at this particular time, and raw tomatoes will provide them. If you deny your body that needs, you may get yourself into trouble: your electrolyte balance may get upset or your hormones may not work well, or something else will not work. Yes, you would have 'cheated' on the diet by eating tomatoes, but once that particular need of your body has been satisfied, you can continue with your program. Any progress goes through two steps forward then one step back, and healing is no exception. So, don't worry about 'cheating' on the diet sometimes if your body has really asked for it. This is not cheating; this is working with your body and respecting it. Remember, your body knows infinitely more about itself than we will ever know with all our intelligence and science!

Remember also that your body's nutritional needs change all the time. So, your desire for foods will also change all the time: what felt wonderfully satisfying for breakfast may not be appealing for lunch, and what was delicious in the afternoon may feel repulsive at dinner time. All these feelings are very valid and should be listened to! You are a unique individual, so what suits one person around the table may not suit you at all.


Mother Nature took billions of years to design the human body; it is an incredibly intelligent creation! As the natural foods on this planet have been designed during the same time, your inner body intelligence knows their composition and knows what foods to choose for particular needs. All we have to do is treat this intelligence with respect. Use your senses of smell, taste, desire for food and satisfaction from eating it to guide you in your decisions: when to eat, what foods to eat and in what combinations. And remember: you are unique, so what suits you may not suit someone else.


If you want to learn more about the GAPS diet, I recommend reading Gut & Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Campbell-McBride and schedule a consult by calling our office at (800) 669-0358 to work your way through the diet. I incorporated the GAPS diet into my practice as it complemented CEASE Therapy and homeopathy so well and to date, I am seeing positive results with patients of all ages.


                                           We are here TO EDUCATE, NOT TO MEDICATE.