Far infrared (FIR) radiation is a subdivision of the electromagnetic spectrum that has been investigated for biological effects with very encouraging results. I have clients who have added this modality as part of their overall treatment plan for everything ranging from autism to heart conditions.

How Does FIR work?

The body experiences FIR wavelength energy as a gentle radiant heat which can penetrate up to 1.5 inches beneath the skin. An article published in Photonics & Lasers in Medicine states that FIR energy is sufficient to exert rotational and vibrational modes of motion in bonds forming the molecules (including water molecules) as well as resonate with our cells.

FIR Saunas Help with Cardiovascular Conditions

FIR saunas are frequently used in Japan and Korea where it is referred to as Waon therapy. Studies have shown that FIR saunas are particularly beneficial for chronic heart failure as well as peripheral arterial disease and has been shown to improve cardiac and vascular function and reduce oxidative stress in patients with chronic heart failure. In addition, German medical researchers concluded one-one hour session of FIR can have significant reduction of blood pressure due to persistent peripheral vessels dilation. They also noted that blood viscosity was improved.

FIR Can Help with Arthritis & Type II Diabetes

A study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis showed a reduction in pain, stiffness, and fatigue during infrared sauna therapy. In addition, far-infrared sauna was associated with improved quality of life in people with type II diabetes mellitus and the author concluded that uptake of infrared saunas use is greater than the uptake of other lifestyle interventions.

Can FIR Help Children with Autism?

Many parents report that their children with autism seem to improve when they have a fever. An article published in Medical Hypothesis states that the release of the amino acid glutamine could be the reason for the improvement in autism symptoms. In people with autism, glutamine in the blood and brain is low, but during a fever, glutamine is released from skeletal muscles as provisional fuel and the glutamine is metabolized by the intestines just as if the amino acid had been ingested.

The International Journal of Hypothermia derived the same conclusion. They found that a fever or hyperthermia may be able to alter glutamate levels in the brain and therefore be able to impact the symptoms of autism.

Working with this information, some physicians have suggested using FIR to help children with autism. Parents have been visiting clinics with FIR or have purchased a unit for their home and are reporting favorable results. It is suspected that the FIR is helping children to detoxify – a view shared by Dr. Brian Clement who is the medical director of the Hippocrates Health Institute.

Dr. Clement states that our skin is a major elimination organ but many of us do not sweat on a regular basis. This could be due to not enough physical activity, sun exposure or wearing synthetic or tight fitting clothing. Using FIR saunas help restore skin elimination which can decrease the body’s toxic load. Several studies including. In fact, FIR therapy was used as part of the protocol to help September 11th firefighters recover after being exposed to toxic chemicals as part of the World Trade Center rescue and clean-up efforts.

Exposure to solvents and other chemicals have been linked to psychiatric disorders including depression, mood disorders and anxiety and detoxification has helped many recovers. In my practice, we use CEASE which is a detoxification protocol that has been assisting children with autism and other disorders for years. Far infrared sauna therapy could be a wonderful adjunct for many who have trouble with detoxification. As a precaution, please check with your health care practitioner before starting FIR as there are protocols that need to be followed, including specific vitamins and minerals before and after sauna sessions and of course assuming that enough water is consumed during the session. It is also important not to bring in reading materials or plastic containers for your water into the sauna as those can contain the exact chemicals you are attempting to detox.




