Congratulations! You are having a baby….. It is an exciting time as you prepare for the arrival of your new child. It is important to take care of yourself more than ever before by eating healthy foods, drinking enough water, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep.  All of these will go a long way towards a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.


Even with doing and following all the right steps, there are few unpleasant discomforts that are unavoidable like heartburn, morning sickness, and constipation.  Where do you find relief?  You wouldn’t want to use allopathic drugs because they can be unsafe for your unborn child and what we as parents want more than anything is to have a healthy pregnancy and a happy baby.

Homeopathy is a safe and gentle choice for pregnant woman all around the world. These medicines are approved by the FDA and they work with your body’s natural process to heal gently and naturally. What is so different about homeopathic remedies is that there are no reported side effects making them a valuable option for pregnant women.

You can safely treat yourself for minor discomfort and the guide below will help you manage some of the discomforts of pregnancy. For more serious or long term problems, it’s always best to consult with a trained homeopath and your doctor/midwife.


Arnica will be your best friend during pregnancy as it can help you with minor injuries. During labor, Arnica can help the muscles perform with minimum physical strain or stress on your part.  After the birth, Arnica will help with the strains and the stress on your body to recover faster.


Morning Sickness is a very common issue during pregnancy. Some suggestions to relieve morning sickness are eating dry crackers before getting out of bed, avoiding fatty foods and if nausea is worse when you are hungry, eat more frequently in small amounts. If these do not work, try one of the following remedies:

Pulsatilla; When nausea is worse in a warm room and better when walking in open air. When you crave fat and sweet foods which make you feel worse. You tend to cry easily with changing moods and need constant reassurance.  

Nux Vomica; When the nausea is worse in the morning upon waking, but unable to vomit. You are very hungry, but feel worse after eating with indigestion. You may also be oversensitive to noise.

Ipecacuanha; When nausea is not relieved by vomiting. Profuse salivation

Sepia; nausea is worse from the smell and thought of food. Craving vinegar, pickles, and sweets. A sensation of heaviness in the pelvis. You may feel indifferent to your loved ones when exhausted and physical exercise makes you feel better.

Colchicum; you are extremely sensitive to the smell of food and even might gag at the thought of food. Nausea may last all day and is worse from motion. You crave carbonated drinks. You prefer to lie with your knees drawn up since stretching your legs can cause nausea.

Heartburn is also a common complaint among pregnant women and it is caused by hormonal changes that impact the esophagus which allows acid to back up.  Some recommendations are to sleep with your head elevated and avoid greasy and spicy foods.  Ginger tea has been known to help with the heartburn if you drink it before or during your meal and not when you are having the heartburn.  If the above doesn’t help, one of the homeopathic remedies listed here should resolve your heartburn.

Pulsatilla; It is best when the heartburn comes at different times of the day or after eating rich, greasy foods. When you burp, it has a sour and bitter taste. You feel better with fresh air.

Carbo Vegetabilis; when you burp is sour and rancid and you have nausea with bloated abdomen and burping gives you temporary relief. You feel exhausted and mentally sluggish and the indigestion is worse when lying down. Having cold hands and feet is a good indication for this remedy. Constipation happens when hormonal changes relax the pelvic muscles in preparation for labor, therefore slowing down digestion and putting more pressure on other organs. Some recommendations are drinking lots of water and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Consider the following remedies if the problem still persists

Sepia; when your abdomen feels bloated and full, you have a heavy feeling in the pelvis area and feeling of being worn out is a great indication for this remedy. Also when there is ineffectual urging with much straining that leads to hemorrhoids.

Natrum Muriaticum is helpful for constipation and is also helpful for the melancholy feeling that can sometimes accompany pregnancy.  The remedy is helpful for ‘letting go’ this includes mental and physical symptoms.

Nux Vomica is helpful for constipation and digestive issues.  It is also helpful for emotional stress so it’s definitely a remedy to consider having on hand during pregnancy.

Lycopodium; When inflamed hemorrhoids are painful and bleeding. Stools are large, hard and difficult to pass with a burning sensation afterward. There is bloating, craving sweets and the constipation is worse after traveling.  When you are bossy and domineering at home but mild tempered with others.

Hamamelis; This is a great remedy for bleeding hemorrhoids that are itchy. Large varicose veins which are worse with heat and impair the ability to walk

Back pain is very common during pregnancy, due to the anatomical changes and stress in the body. Carrying a child changes the position of your internal organs which puts a huge amount of pressure on the lower spine. The increase in body weight contributes greatly to the problem and that's why every day as the baby grows it's harder to move around.

Be sure to sleep on a firm bed and wear comfortable low heel shoes. For additional relief try one of the homeopathic remedies listed below:

Belladonna; When the back pain comes fast and disappears just as quick. When you are restless and have a flushed red face.

Bellis Perennis; This remedy can stop the back pain when the pain extends down the legs and makes walking difficult and is worse during the last months of pregnancy.

Kali Carbonicum; When you feel a bruised and dragging kind of pain with sudden sharp pains up and down the back and thighs. Hard pressure over the painful area offers relief, however, it feels worse from touch.  You feel irritable, touchy and domineering

Sepia; Your back feels tired with an aching and dragging pain in the lower back. There is a sensation of heaviness or bearing down in the pelvis area as if everything will fall out. You may feel depressed and chilly.


Insomnia During the early stages of pregnancy as the hormones levels change, this may lead to insomnia. During the last trimester, discomfort from the growing baby increased urination, and the anticipation may keep you awake at night.  Try one the remedies below for some relief.

Aconite; You may have lots of fears and very restless in sleep with frightening dreams.

Coffea; You can’t sleep because you are excited or you are extremely sensitive to the slightest pain. All the senses are acute and you wake at the slightest sound. Your mind is overactive and you are anxious, energetic but tired at the same time. Take this remedy an hour before bedtime and again on waking in the night.


Labor Many women fear that labor will be painful, but the actual thought of fear can contribute to labor pain. It is best to prepare for your baby’s birth to better understand the process and learn some relaxation techniques to reduce fear. If pain becomes problematic during labor, homeopathy can work quickly and safely to relieve you. If you experience back pain during labor Kali Carbonicum can be very effective. When the labor has stalled and is not progressing Cimicifuga and Caulophyllum can come to the rescue.

Healing after the birth Homeopathy works beautifully to speed healing and relieve pain after birth so that you can enjoy your new baby. Here are some remedies to help with after birth.

Arnica; This is the number one remedy for the pain and bruised feeling that many women feel after birth. Take 1 to 2 pellets of Arnica 30c every few hours for the first day and then take a dose several times a day for the next two or three days as needed. It will help to stop the pain and bleeding and ease the effects of physical and mental shock.

Bellis Perennis; This remedy will help those with deep aching pains and bruised soreness in pelvis following a cesarean section, forceps delivery or other traumas especially if Arnica hasn’t fully helped alleviate your issues.

Calendula; This remedy is great for infected wounds such as incisions. It can be taken orally in 6c, 12c or 30c strength and works wonders in cream and gel form when applied directly to the area. Calendula gel or cream is also excellent for diaper rash and sore cracking nipples- as both healing and preventive.

Hypericum; This remedy is great for relieving pain in the area that is rich in nerve endings such as intense pain following forceps, vacuum delivery, epidural or other IV injection. Pain in the tailbone or perineum may also be relieved by this remedy.

Phytolacca; When dealing with cracked nipples or painful breasts this remedy can be useful. Consider this remedy a quick healer for mastitis. When you feel exhausted with aching muscles or joints as if you have the flu, consider this remedy.

Staphysagria; This remedy will relieve pain from deep surgical incisions after cesarean section. It will also help severe pain and sensitivity of the genital organs that is worse after sitting. It is a great remedy for when the woman may have feelings of anger, shame or humiliation from the birth experience.

What is so remarkable and different about homeopathic remedies is that they are natural and don’t carry the typical risks of main stream medicines. It makes it especially valuable for pregnant women, new moms, babies and children of all ages. Homeopathic remedies work with your body’s own natural process to heal you gently and naturally and the best part is any improvements in your own health will also benefit your baby.

One final recommendation before, during and after pregnancy is Original Quinton HypertonicHypertonic is pure marine plasma that is three times the mineral concentration of your blood and is ideal for energizing, rapid re-mineralization, and building the physiology. Health professionals report application for dramatic energy increases and mental focus.  Hypertonic is recommended during pregnancy and has been found to be helpful to breastfeeding women.


To learn more and to schedule your appointment today, call our office at (800) 669-0358.


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