Worst - These are 'The Dirty Dozen' and you should purchase the organic variety

1.  Apple

2.  Celery

3.  Strawberries

4.  Peaches

5.  Spinach

6.  Nectarines (Imported)

7.  Grapes (Imported)

8.  Sweet Bell Peppers

9.  Potatoes

10.  Blueberries (Domestic)

11.  Lettuce

12.  Kale/Collard Greens


Best - These are the lowest in pesticides, so if you cannot afford an all organic budget, this is where you can save some money.

1.  Onions

2.  Corn

3.  Pineapple

4.  Avocado

5.  Asparagus

6.  Sweet peas

7.  Mangoes

8.  Eggplant

9.  Cantaloupe (domestic)

10.  Kiwi

11.  Cabbage

12.  Watermelon

13.  Sweet potatoes

14.  Grapefruit

15.  Mushrooms


This list was compiled by the Environmental Working Group. To learn how a healthy diet and lifestyle can benefit you immensly, call our offfice at (800) 669-0358 to schedule your appointment.