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General Information

The symptoms of Carbo Vegetabilis (Carb-v.) involve weakness of either vitality or digestion. Physical symptoms include debility – even to the point of collapse, sluggishness, breathlessness, indigestion, bloating, belching and flatulence. The person may have “air hunger” and want fresh air or to be fanned. Even though they feel chilly, they don’t want to be covered. Mental-emotional symptoms include apathy, indifference, poor memory, depression, and irritability, especially with family members. Physical and mental-emotional symptoms may co-exist with or be caused by chronic health problems or slow recovery from surgery.


Digestive Problems

  • Indigestion from fatty, rich foods – may lead to offensive wind (gas) or diarrhea.
  • Bloating, discomfort and pain relieved for short periods only by belching or passing gas (wind).
  • Flatulence worse at night, on lying down, or when wearing tight clothing.
  • Desires sweet or salty food.

Respiratory Problems

  • Breathlessness from overeating or bloating.
  • Must sit up in bed to breathe easily.


  • Before fainting, or during recovery, wants fresh air and to be fanned.
  • Pale face.
  • Cold sweat


  • Cold sweat.
  • Cold, pale or bluish skin but doesn’t want to be covered.
  • Breathless or gasping.


  • From food or carbon monoxide, when the above general symptoms are present.

For Pets

  • States of collapse, or near death states, where the animal is gasping or in shock.
  • Cold skin or paws.
  • Digestive upsets with bloating, distension and flatulence.


Where do I find it?

Carbo Vegetabilis (Carb-v) is available here as a single remedy in a variety of strengths (potency).

Dosage Instructions

Take 3 Pellets of the remedy every 10 minutes to two hours (10 minutes for intense symptoms, 2 hours for milder ones). Once an improvement is noticed, stop dosing and repeat the remedy only if symptoms return. If there is no improvement at all by three doses, choose a different remedy or seek professional guidance.

A Few Words

While the above self-limiting, acute complaints are suitable for home treatment with Carbo Vegetabilis, see your healthcare provider if your symptoms worsen or fail to improve. Carbo Vegetabilis is also useful for a range of chronic or persistent complaints not listed; these are best managed by a qualified homeopath for good results.