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Every October we are reminded of the plight of many of our friends and ourselves due to the efforts of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is such an important awareness campaign since approximately 20% of those diagnosed with breast cancer die from the disease.  Some of us opt for traditional treatment, some for alternative treatment and a majority for a combination of the two. A study published in the International Journal of Oncology revealed homeopathic remedies have a beneficial effect on breast cancer cells so why not consider these remedies for your breast health?

Moshe Frenkel, M.D., who was the lead researcher and is an associate professor at the University of Texas and the medical director of the Integrative Medicine Program at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, stated:  “We felt homeopathy needed to be tested in the same way we test new chemotherapeutic drugs. We were quite impressed to find homeopathic remedies have similar effects to chemotherapy on breast cancer cells but without affecting normal cells, a very exciting finding. As far as we know, this is the first study that evaluated the effect of homeopathic remedies on breast cancer cells."

The International Journal of Oncology study focused on four homeopathic remedies:

  1. Thuja– Thuja is a well-known remedy for helping with the ill effects of vaccination, however, it can also be helpful in cancer cases that involve the breast or the rectum and can be taken prophylactically. A study conducted at the Amala Cancer Research Center on mice discovered that thuja was helpful in protecting normal cells from radiation
  2. Conium– This remedy is helpful when you have hard glands that feel like a stone, including lymph glands. Lymph glands act like a filter and often times cancer will metastasize to them.
  3. Phytolacca– Recommended by homeopaths for women who have mastitis or any other type of inflammation of the breast, mammary abscess; fistulae, and tumefied breast as well as sore nipples where pain radiates throughout the body.
  4. Carcinosin– Perhaps the best-known remedy for cancer and recommended by many homeopaths to those who have noncancerous conditions but happen to have a strong family history of cancer. The most common carcinosinum remedy is made from breast cancer tissue, however, there are some companies that utilize a different type of tissues. 

Other Supplements found helpful for breast health and breast cancer include:


Vitamin D – The active form of vitamin D called calcitriol has been demonstrated to block the growth of breast cancer tumors and to reduce the risk of breast cancer by roughly 30%. Calcitriol also limits blood supply to the tumor, reduces the spread of cancer and shrinks breast cancer cells 

Vitamin D blood levels greater than 40 ng/mL (100 nmol/L) reduce the risk of breast cancer by approximately 30% Source: Vitamin D Council

Omega 3 Fatty Acids – The Breast Cancer Institute states that other countries where more Omega 3 Fatty Acids are consumed and less Omega 6 fats are consumed, women develop breast cancer later or not at all.  To order Omega 3 Fatty Acids that are designed specifically for women’s health issues, follow this link

DIM – The full name is Diindolylmethane, but supplement manufacturers will label it as DIM. DIM is found in cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower and broccoli and is wonderful for breast health. DIM causes estrogen to be metabolized into an inactive estrogen that does not stimulate breast tissue to proliferate and thereby reduces breast cancer risk

Don’t forget to exercise! Regular exercise was also shown to decrease the occurrence of breast cancer by 30%!  Whole Body Vibration is a great, low impact way to get your exercise in.


If you need help exploring which homeopathic remedies, supplements or lifestyle changes can help you stay healthy, call our office at (800) 669-0358 to speak with one of our dedicated healthcare practitioners.

