Healing 4 Soul



Sima Ash, the founder of Healing 4 Soul and Sima Ash Wellness Center, is passionate about helping children with Autism and ADHD. Sima has a daughter with autism and tried a number of therapies with little to no benefit. She wants to share the methods that have had a wonderful impact on her daughter and other patients with both Autism and ADHD.


  1. Use probiotics to restore the integrity of the gut flora for proper intestinal function – Prebiotics needed as nourishment for probiotic bacteria so they can flourish and grow inside the bowels. Prebiotics are available as a supplement form and are often included in a probiotic blend. Food sources for prebiotics include fresh dandelion green, radicchio, Jerusalem artichoke, onions, asparagus, jicama, and garlic. Probiotics help to recolonize the digestive tract with friendly, beneficial bacteria. These bacteria help your body to utilize vitamins, absorb nutrients and support your immune system.
  1. Give Your Child the Best Nutrition by Eating Organic Foods – So many of our children are picky eaters and we cannot imagine them trying other foods, so making their favorites using organic, whole foods is a good place to start. Some things to avoid are:
  • Packaged foods. By doing this, you will add further toxicity from heavy metals, pesticides, MSG, artificial sweeteners, color additives, genetically modified ingredients, preservatives and other waste products into your body. Studies have shown that there is a link between MSG and obesity, diabetes, migraines, headaches, autism, ADHD, and even Alzheimer’s.
  • Restaurants and school lunches. Often times they will contain the same ingredients as packaged foods and they do not provide the vital nutrients that our children need.

Some suggestions for eating organic on a budget are:

  • Find local farmer’s markets in your area
  • Food cooperatives
  • Stores like Trader Joe’s that have organic and natural products that are reasonably priced. For example, a serving of organic hot dog or organic hamburger with buns and natural fries cost less than a fast food meal and you have control over what you put in it and how you cook it.
  1. Avoid sugar, sweets in general, and artificial sweeteners– Sugar lowers the immune system and inhibits the production of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids that are crucially important to brain tissue. Artificial sweeteners tax the pancreas and have been linked to everything from headaches to cancer. There are simple things you can utilize to satisfy your child’s sweet tooth without all the sugar or artificial sweeteners. First, you can use stevia which is a naturally sweet herb. Making lemonade with organic lemon juice, stevia, and filtered water is a wonderful alkalizing drink that tastes sweet and wonderful. Xylitol comes from the birch tree and is sweet tasting as well. Xylitol candy and gum are nice treats for your child and help fight bacteria that cause cavities. Xylitol toothpaste is also available and recommended by dentists.
  1. Make sure your child is well grounded to the earth– Static electricity may give rise to emotional/mental/physical complaints. Synthetic clothing, isolated shoes (rubber or plastic soles) and synthetic floor coverings (vinyl) should be avoided. Even wooden floors with a thin plastic covering can be harmful. Have your child walk around barefoot at home, and barefoot on the grass, earth or sand as much as possible. Eliminate all electric appliances in the bedroom such as electrical alarm clocks, TV's, computers, cell phones and audio equipment.
  1. Avoid antibiotics- They impair gut flora and consequently increase underlying problems. In case of infection, opt for natural, alternative solutions. When medical treatment is necessary for your child, try to find energy solutions that boost the immune system like homeopathy or acupuncture, rather than symptomatic treatments that are suppressive. If you suppress symptoms with allopathic medicines (regular medicine), the disturbed energy will remain and sooner or later it will cause the same or even deeper health problems. If your child is ever put on an antibiotic, it is crucial that they also utilize a probiotic to replenish the good bacteria that are killed off by antibiotics.


At Healing 4 Soul, we treat the whole person, not the symptoms or diagnosis. We utilize classical homeopathy, CEASE therapyReba technique, supplements, nutrition and other complementary approaches to bring the body back into balance. We treat both children and adults with phenomenal results! We are honored by the number of testimonials we have received in our office and on our Facebook fan page. If you are struggling with your health, please come see us so we can serve you and help you re-establish your health. Call to schedule an appointment at (800) 669-0358


                                                                 WE ARE HERE TO EDUCATE, NOT TO MEDICATE