Are the holidays stressing you out? Presents, preparing for the in-laws, kids out of their routine – all of these can cause stress and cause you to be out of balance. Utilizing simple, easily available homeopathic remedies can help you make it through the season. Sima Ash of Healing 4 Soul is sharing her expert tips on remedies from your local health food store that can help you conquer your stress during the holiday season and beyond. Just use her simple list to identify yourself and start the remedy. Sima recommends starting at a 30c potency and potentially moving up to a 200c if needed.
1. Anxiety
Aconite napellus (Acon.)
This remedy is great if the person
- has a sudden shock
- is extremely anxious and fearful
- is very restless
- wants company
- thinks they might die
Argentum nitricum (Arg-n.)
This remedy is great if the person
- dwells on things that may go wrong
- thinks and does irrational things
- is restless with the anxiety
- craves sweet or salty food
Arsenicum album (Ars.)
This remedy is great if the person
- can’t sleep because of the anxiety
- is incredibly fussy
- worries about their health
- worries that something might happen to family members
- is critical and short-tempered
- can’t be reassured
- is very restless
Gelsemium sempervirens (Gels.)
This remedy is great if the person
- lacks confidence
- trembles with anxiety
- feels weak with anxiety
- feels helpless and incapable of doing anything
Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc.)
This remedy is great if the person
- has anticipation anxiety
- boasts to hide their anxiety
- becomes bossy or rude
- develops digestive upsets from anxiety
Phosphorus (Phos.)
This remedy is great if the person
- has numerous fears and anxieties
- hates being alone
- feels less anxious in company
- is bright, cheerful and friendly
- is easily reassured
2. Irritability and Anger
….occurs when you
- don’t get enough sleep
- run out of time in which to do everything
- don’t get any help from others
- have to deal with critical or rude relatives
Colocynthis (Coloc.)
This remedy is great if the person
- is indignant and offended
- develops abdominal cramping
- has to bend double with the pain
- is restless
Nux vomica (Nux.)
This remedy is great if the person
- is very impatient
- is competitive in games or activities and wants to be first
- is sensitive to noise, light, sound, and other stimuli
- abuses drugs or alcohol when they relax
- does things in excess
- suffers from insomnia at 3 to 4 am
Staphysagria (Staph.)
This remedy is great if the person
- trembles with anger
- stutters with anger
- tries to please others
- has trouble saying no
3. Exhaustion
…. occurs when a person:
- tries to cook too much to feed the neighborhood
- sends out hundreds of Christmas cards
- generally, do too much
Kali phosphoricum (Kali-p.)
This remedy is great if the person
- is mentally exhausted
- forgets things and finds it difficult to think
- is weak and fatigued
- is exhausted from overwork, worry, or excitement
- feels irritable with the exhaustion
Phosphoric acidum (Ph-ac.)
This remedy is great if the person
- feels weak
- has been affected by grief
- doesn’t want to talk about it
- desires carbonated drinks or refreshing things such as fruit
- has had too much-carbonated drinks
Sepia (Sep.)
This remedy is great if the person
- feels emotionally drained
- shuts down on the emotional level
- is indifferent or irritable with family members
- feels better for being alone
- feels better for strenuous exercise
4. Sleeplessness
…. occurs when you:
- become overexcited or expectant
- overindulge in food or alcohol
- worry about what has to be done
- let your thoughts race
Arsenicum album (Ars.)
This remedy is great if the person
- can’t sleep because of worry and anxiety
- worries about their health
- is restless with their insomnia
- is sleepless between midnight and 2 AM
- worries that people might break in to the house
- becomes very fussy
Coffea cruda (Coff.)
This remedy is great if the person
- has racing thoughts
- is overly sensitive to stimuli such as noise, light, and pain
- overreacts to even pleasant emotions such as joy
- is excitable and restless
Ignatia Amara (Ign.)
This remedy is great if the person
- can’t sleep because of grief or disappointment
- sighs frequently as they wait for sleep
- twitches or starts on going to sleep
Nux vomica (Nux.)
This remedy is great if the person
- wakes between 3 and 4 AM
- is alert on waking at night but groggy in the morning
- is irritable and driven
- overindulges with food and alcohol
- is a workaholic
5. Digestive Complaints and Hangovers
…. occur when you:
- eat the wrong food
- each too much
- drink too much
Carbo vegetabilis (Carb-v.)
This remedy is great if the person
- has tremendous bloating
- belches a lot
- feels weak and exhausted
- wants to be fanned
- has difficulty breathing
Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc.)
This remedy is great if the person
- has a distended abdomen
- digestive complaints that worsen between 4 and 8 pm
- has an insatiable appetite, or
- loses their appetite after a few mouthfuls
- is irritable, rude and bossy
Nux vomica (Nux.)
This remedy is great if the person
- drinks or eats to excess
- belches sour fluid
- has a hangover (hopefully not a child!)
- is irritable, impatient, and competitive
- is obsessed with business
- urges and strains with bowel motions or vomiting
Pulsatilla (Puls.)
This remedy is great if the person
- suffers indigestion from fats, rich food, or pork
- has changeable moods and symptoms
- weeps openly and feels better for sympathy
- thirstless
- feels better in the open air
- avoids stuffy rooms and prefers fresh air
Sulphur (Sulph.)
This remedy is great if the person
- develops heartburn after eating
- has sudden offensive diarrhea first thing in the morning
- lacks appetite in the morning
- is generally lazy or domestically blind
- suffers from skin rashes or itching
6. Disappointment and grief
…. occur when you:
- don’t get the present you were expecting
- find out that a favorite family member will be missing the gathering
- break your gift five minutes after opening
- remember what Christmas is used to be like before a friend or family member passed away
- recall past losses and heartbreaks
Ignatia (Ign.)
This remedy is great if the person
- cries, sobs, or laughs uncontrollably
- develops hiccoughs
- wants to be alone
- has a lump in the throat
Natrum muriaticum (Nat-m.)
This remedy is great if the person
- wants to be left alone
- is easily offended by the slightest criticism or comment
- likes salt and fish
- avoids talking about their grief
- develops headaches with sun exposure
Phosphoric acidum (Phos-ac.)
This remedy is great if the person
- is exhausted and apathetic
- desires carbonated drinks or refreshing foods such as fruit
- becomes withdrawn
- wants to go home to be alone
Holidays and Beyond
The above are just some remedies that are safe to take for all ages.
If the symptoms you are experiencing is with you throughout the year and not just during holidays make an appointment with Sima Ash for a treatment plan by calling our office at (800) 669-0358
Have a healthy Holiday season!