altSimple Home Cures


Lemon juice will help clear acne and pimples. So will the pounded pulp of an orange (mixed with water) if applied to the affected area.

How it works: Lemon juice and orange peel contain acids that cleanse, remove dead skin cells and promote healthy skin growth.


  • Arthritic pain can be relieved by mixing a large spoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water. Sweeten with a little honey and drink each morning as part of your breakfast.

How it works: While the mechanism is not fully understood, apple cider vine­gar will reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain of arthritis.

  • Cut a medium-sized potato, skin on, into thin slices. Place in a glass of water and allow to steep overnight. Drink the liquid first thing every morning to relieve rheu­matic and arthritic conditions.

How it works: Potatoes contain antiviral inhibitors, but no one knows for sure how this home remedy works. It has now been used with success for several cen­turies to counter the pain of arthritis.


Mix a teaspoon of raw honey in a glass of warm water or swallow it whole three times a day.

How it works: Raw honey contains bee pollen and propolis, both of which have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, expec­torant and immune-boosting properties that relieve asthma.

Athlete’s Foot

Rub a clove of garlic on the affected area before going to bed.

How it works: Garlic is a strong antifun­gal that will kill tinea fungus.


Bad Breath

Add several twigs of coarsely cut pars­ley and two whole cloves of garlic to two cups of boiled water. Stir occasionally while cooling, and then use as a mouth­wash or gargle as often as needed.

How it works: Parsley works to freshen your mouth, while the garlic’s antibacte­rial properties fight infection


Burns, Cuts and Grazes

Apply Manuka honey to burns, cuts and grazes to prevent infection.

How it works: Manuka honey contains substances that have a powerful anti­bacterial effect.


Cold Sores

Ice held against the skin for 2-4 minutes at the start of a cold sore can nip it in the bud. Repeat every hour.

How it works: Ice slows down the growth and spread of a cold sore giving your im­mune system time to get on top of it.


Congested Throat

Mix ground horseradish and honey together in a glass of water, and gargle.

How it works: Horseradish contains solvents that loosen and break up mucous in the throat and nose.


Coughs and Colds

  • Dice an onion, place in a bowl and cover with honey. Leave for an hour to marinade, and then take as often as needed.

How it works: The onion juice mixed with honey has a mild homeopathic ef­fect and will sooth sore throats and loosen mucus.

  • A spoonful of honey has been shown to be more effective in relieving coughs than most over-the-counter cough medi­cines. It can also be sipped in a glass of water mixed with lemon juice.

How it works: Honey coats the throat and reduces irritation while its antibacte­rial properties fight infection.



Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels and is useful in the treatment or prevention of diabetes. Add 1/2 - 1 tea­spoon of cinnamon a day to food or mix in a glass or water each morning.

How it works: Cinnamon is one of the most medicinally-potent spices known. One of its compounds, MHCP, assists with insulin and blood sugar regulation.


Digestive Upsets

Stomach spasms, flatulence, lack of ap­petite, indigestion and diarrhea can be relieved by thyme. Steep a teaspoon of dried thyme in a cup of boiling water for 1-2 minutes and then drink. Repeat four times a day.

How it works: Thyme aids digestion. It contains soothing properties that both tone the nervous system and stomach, and reduce spasms.



Bake an onion in the oven until it is soft, then mash and extract some of the juice. Drip this into the ear canal to soothe an earache.

How it works: Sulphur compounds within onion juice have antibacterial ef­fects that settle inflammation.



Treat sore and inflamed skin by dabbing it with apple cider vinegar diluted with water.

How it works: Cider vinegar has anti­bacterial and anti-fungal properties that kill bacteria and fungi that infect and worsen eczema.


  • Hayfever
  • Wrap cold, moist tea bags and place over your eyelids to soothe itchy eyes caused by hayfever.

How it works: The tannic acid in tea is thought to help reduce itch.

  • Salt water sprayed or squirted into the nose, one nostril at a time, can reduce hayfever symptoms and relieve swelling. Make your own solution by mixing 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda with one cup of warm water.

How it works: the salt shrinks swollen nasal passages by drawing out fluid which then flushes away the viruses, bacteria and pollens causing the symptoms.



Brew one teaspoon of rosemary in a cup of water and cover. Let it steep for ten minutes, then strain and sip. Drink one cup three times a day.

How it works: Rosemary dilates the blood vessels throughout the body, easing the pressure on vessels in the head which is responsible for the pain of headaches.



Add turmeric to your meal or mix 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon in water or juice and drink.

How it works: Turmeric aids digestion and prevents acid build-up by stimulating the movement of food along the digestive tract.

Insect Bites and Stings

  •   Rub a slice of fresh-cut onion onto wasp stings to reduce swelling and speed healing.

How it works: Onion contains enzymes which reduce inflammation.

  •  Rub a drop of peppermint oil onto the centre of a bite or sting for fast relief.

How it works: The peppermint will cool the bite and increase circulation to the area to quicken the healing.


Leg Cramps

  • Drink a glass of tonic water before bed to relieve leg cramps.

How it works: The water contains a natural form of quinine, which prevents cramps.


  • Keep a heavy metal spoon beside your bed and place it on the muscle when it cramps at night.

How it works: The cold metal rapidly draws heat from the muscle and relaxes the cramp.


Low Energy

Increase the magnesium in your diet by eating almonds, hazelnuts, cashews and whole grains.

How it works: Nuts and grains are high in magnesium which plays a vital role in converting sugar to energy.


Migraines and Pounding Headaches

Put your feet in a bowl of hot water, and place an ice pack on your head. How it works: Pressure on sensitive nerves is relieved as the cold constricts blood vessels in your head while the heat draws blood down to the dilated vessels in your feet.

Mouth Ulcers

Swish a spoon full of cold chamomile tea around in your mouth every few hours.

How it works: Chamomile tea contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory com­pounds that help mouth ulcers to heal.


  • Take a small amount of powdered gin­ger before air, car or sea travel. Alter­nately, take a jar of ginger on your trip.

How it works: Compounds in ginger contain anti-sickness properties.

  • Ginger relieves various types of nau­sea including morning sickness, motion sickness, and nausea from some can­cer treatments. Eat it crystalised, as gingerbread, or stir a teaspoon of pow­der into a glass of warm water.

How it works: The gingerol compound within ginger suppresses chemicals within the brain that trigger nausea.


Plantar Warts

Before going to bed each night, tape the fleshy side of a small piece of banana skin against the wart. Continue until the wart discolours and peels away easily - within one to eight weeks.

How it works: Enzymes within the banana skin kill the wart virus and separate the dead skin from the sole of the foot.


Stomach Ulcers

Stomach ulcers healed in a third of the expected time when sufferers were given concentrated cabbage in capsule form. The same effect can be achieved by drinking a liter of cabbage juice a day.

How it works: Cabbage contains com­pounds that strengthen the lining of the stomach, increasing its resistance to acid attacks.


Stuffy Noses

Spicy dishes or food containing curry or chilli can relieve stuffy noses.

How it works: The spice or curry will cause your nose to run, loosening the mucous and expelling viruses.



A single clove of garlic placed in the vagina for 24 hours will clear most cases of thrush. Repeat if needed.

How it works: Garlic is a natural antibiotic with strong antifungal properties that kill thrush.




  • Dab the aching tooth and gum with oil of cloves or ground cloves. Alternatively, place a clove stem within the tooth cavity.

      How it works: Clove contains a volatile oil called eugenol that has strong antibacterial and analgesic properties that deaden pain.

  • Boil one part sesame seeds with three parts water until the liquid is reduced by half. Cool, and then apply directly to the aching tooth.
  • How it works: Sesame seed contain at least seven different pain-relieving compounds that relieve toothache.

Urinary Tract Infections

Drink a large glass of water mixed with a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate three times a day at the first sign of infection.

How it works: Bicarbonate will change the pH of acidic urine, discouraging infection and relieving the pain of cystitis.

Upper Back Pain

Lie on the floor with a rolling pin under your shoulder blades, so that it makes a T-shape with your spine. Roll up and down over it.

How it works: The rolling pin will arch your spine and relieve the tension in the muscles causing pain.


Remove unsightly or painful warts by soaking the affected area in diluted vinegar for at least fifteen minutes every day.

How it works: The acetic acid of vinegar kills the virus responsible for warts.


If you need more help with one of the above conditions, please call our office at (800) 669-0358, 


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