Toxicity is a core issue in many disorders today and should be part of a comprehensive plan to aid the body in recovery. Stress creates neurotoxicity which can impact your outlook and your health, adding to your body’s burden. In addition, the environment has been flooded with ever-increasing amounts of toxins and because many instances of chronic disorders are triggered by heavy metals such as mercury, it is crucial to incorporate some form of detoxification protocol into your treatment plan to speed up healing.




There are many types of detoxification procedures one may im­plement, depending on the availability of affordable protocols and professional guidance. The procedures below can generally be employed without great expense and without interfering with other measures currently being applied.


WHOLE FOODS: Certain foods are known to remove toxins from the body, while others are known to support the systems and organs through which those toxins pass as they exit the body. Some of the foods and how they help are listed in the chart below.



Raw Potato or Asparagus

Draws toxins out of almost anywhere in the body


Flushes out free radicals in the blood stream


Boosts the immune system during detoxification

Beets or Dandelion Greens

Cleanses the liver

Parsley or Watermelon

Cleanses the kidneys


Flushes the system


Sima Ash of Healing 4 Soul can help guide you in how to balance these various sug­gestions and which ones might be best for your particular situation. She will also guide you in how to use these foods to maximize detoxification benefits with other natural strategies such as homeopathy, CEASE therapy, and Whole Body Vibration. Please call our office at (800) 669-0355 to schedule your appointment.