What are PCBs?
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of manufactured organic chemicals that contain 209 individual chlorinated chemicals and have no detectable odor or taste.  Manufacturing of PCB was stopped in 1979 in the US because it became known that PCBs build up in the environment and cause harmful health effects.  While they were being manufactured, there were no effective controls on disposal of PCBs and because they do not break down easily, they are now widespread in our environment.  The chemical properties of PCBs are similar to that of mercury – they concentrate the further up the food chain they reach.


How Do I Become Exposed to PCBs?

Food is the most significant source of exposure and specifically, fish that are in contaminated waters are the biggest problem.  Predator fish at the top of the food chain as well as bottom feeding fish typically contain the greatest levels of PCBs when they come from contaminated waters.  Great Lakes fish and fish from the Mississippi River are more likely to contain PCBs than fish from other inland lakes and rivers.  This is why selecting a quality fish oil free from PCBs is essential.

Other sources of exposure include older fluorescent lights found in schools, offices, and homes that still contain transformers or ballasts that contain PCBs. If the ballasts fail, PCBs can leak out and contaminate exposed surfaces and the air.

Fetuses, nursing infants of mothers who are exposed to PCBs, infants, children, pregnant women, the elderly and urban poor and Native Americans are at a greater risk than the general population to be impacted by the effects of PCB.

What Are the Health Effects of PCB Exposure?

The health impacts of PCBs have been studied at length in people, lab animals, and wildlife and indicate that those who are regularly exposed to PCBs are at a greater risk of the following health issues:
•    Disruption of reproductive function
•    Neurobehavioral and developmental deficits in children
     o    Low verbal IQ scores
     o    Lag at least 2 years behind in reading comprehension
     o    Difficulty paying attention
•    Liver disease
•    Diabetes
•    Thyroid dysfunction
•    Increased risk of cancer
•    Immune system dysfunction

Treatment Plan for PCB Exposure and Its Impact on Health

1.    CEASE Therapy – CEASE uses specific homeopathic remedies and orthomolecular medicines that can help detox PCBs from the body as well as address health conditions caused by PCB exposure.
2.    Far Infrared Sauna
3.    The Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education uses a program that includes medically supervised daily aerobic exercise, frequent periods of low heat sauna (60-80 degrees C) to help detox PCBs, while supplements such as niacin and polyunsaturated oil are used to sustain the mobilization and elimination.  

At Healing 4 Soul we offer CEASE Therapy, nutritional strategies to support your body during detoxification, Whole Body Vibration as a detox and weight loss method, supplement support and Far Infrared Sauna.  Please phone us at 310-738-8878 to get started on your detox strategy.  The wonderful thing is if you choose any of these detox methods, you will not only support your body in escorting PCBs out of your body, but these methods also help with detoxing other harmful substances such as DDE, viruses, parasites, etc. that may be impacting your health.