
One of the diagnostic criteria for autism is social impairment. This is often evidenced by the child’s inability to pick up on emotional cues or perhaps not understanding that what is being said by another person does not match that person’s facial expression as well as not demonstrating joint attention.

Research reported in the journal of Neuroscience states that not only do children with autism have trouble understanding social cues, but they often have ‘atypical gaze’ often focusing on another person’s mouth or another part of their face in isolation, instead of taking in the entire expression.


Read more: Helping Children with Autism Understand Emotional Cues

You have received the news that your child has autism, is on the spectrum or is 'at risk' for autism.  There are many different treatment options available for your child, but how can you measure if they are having an impact? 


Bernard Rimland and Dr. Stephen Edelson developed the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) with the intent to assist parents, physicians and researchers evaluate virtually any treatment for autism - at no charge.  The scores are weighted according to the response and the corresponding subscale.  


Read more: Online Autism Rating Tools

I am Sima Ash, a mother to my beautiful daughter, Sadaf who was diagnosed with autism, a homeopath, CEASE practitioner, certified nutritionist and GAPS Practitioner. Sadaf and I started our CEASE journey after I became certified in early 2010, among the first international CEASE practitioners in the Netherlands.


Read more: I am embarking on this blog journey to make it a rising sun on the horizon and a constant growing...

Dietary Interventions Will Have Relevance for Prevention and possibly for Treatment of Autism

A new study by Rhonda Patrick, PhD and Bruce Ames, PhD of Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI) demonstrates the impact that Vitamin D may have on social behavior associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  Dr. Patrick and Dr. Ames show that serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin, three brain hormones that affect social behavior, are all activated by vitamin D hormone. Autism, which is characterized by abnormal social behavior, has previously been linked to low levels of serotonin in the brain and to low vitamin D levels, but no mechanism has linked the two until now.

Read more:  Causal Link between Vitamin D, Serotonin Synthesis and Autism Discovered

An article appearing in theJournal for Autism and Developmental Disorders. discusses how journing can help mothers of children with autism manage stress.  Associate Professor Rondalyn Whitney and author of the article states  that mothers can get burned out because if there is no one there to help them. They can't get out of the house to participate in any interventions for themselves. She compared the situation to the oxygen mask advisory on airplanes: mothers need to help themselves first before they can help others

Read more: Journal writing can help mothers raising a child with autism manage stress